May’s Endorsements

Dear May, I wouldn’t think twice before approving Naufal Daou’s suggestion for your candidature for the Lebanese presidency. I have always held a lot of respect for Mr. Daou and his judgment. I’m glad he has proven me right. I don’t know a better candidate than you, especially in the current circumstances. Go ahead and do not hesitate.

Ambassador Massoud Maalouf, Maryland, USA

May has always been an extraordinary woman! A leading womanA woman of culture, of courage, of openness, and strong will.This news is incredible!It shows of course how deep is May’s commitment to Lebanon and it underlines her courage

Marianne Sader, France

I am reaching out to share with you my full support for the content of Naufal’s tweet. Furthermore, I believe it is the time for Lebanon to rise and be led by an enlightened female president who can redefine politics and provide a new vision for our nation.

In the current digital era, geography is not a limitation anymore. Thus, I do not see Lebanon limited to the 10,425 squared Kms. of land, but I see Lebanon (as having) 14 million population, living all over the globe and contributing to human civilization while carrying Lebanese identity. This new Lebanon, our new Lebanon, needs a clear objective to capture its aspirations.

I urge you, Ms. Rihani, to seriously consider running for the office of Lebanese President. You have all the qualifications to mobilize the Lebanese diaspora and lead Lebanon towards peace and prosperity.

Dr. Amr El-Kebbi, Ontario, Canada

Your commitment to a Lebanon that is free, sovereign, and a lighthouse of culture and civilization in the Middle East is shared by so many Lebanese in Lebanon and abroad!

With your distinguished career of empowering people and serving others; your excellent communication skills and collaborative/inclusive approach to teamwork and shared leadership; as well as your international credibility and connections, I am confident that you CAN bring ALL Lebanese together into win-win relationships/partnerships and mutually beneficial dialogues and agreements to rebuild a New Lebanon that emulates the values, qualities, principles, and attributes of great statesmen, honest and shrewd politicians/public servants, and legendary Lebanese leaders, thinkers, and citizens of the likes of Gibran Khalil Gibran, Amine Rihani, Charles Malek, Fouad Chehab, Elias Sarkis, Philip Salem, Saeb Salam, Rasheed Karami,

Mousa Al-Sadr, Sabre Hamade, Camille Chamoun, Raymon Edde, Pierre Gemayel, and Hussein el-Husseini to name a few!

Dr. Kamil Jbeily, Lebanon

May, all of your hard work, your sacrifices, your time away from home, your passions, your ability to deal with people of the world and their differences, your intelligence and knowledge, your family’s history, your heart, have led you to fight for equity, for women’s rights, for education, for freedom, for better opportunities. History will repeat itself, now all of that is for Lebanon.

Adrianna Rihani, Mexico

May is an example to all of us and especially to us women in her lifelong campaign for women’s empowerment.

The decision itself, not to mention the full endeavor, is a demonstration of the courage and resilience that give the promise and hope of a better world with humanity at its heart.

Adele Abdalla, Brazil

Lebanon will be superbly served with May Rihani as president.

May’s qualities of integrity, intelligence and intellect are desperately needed today when the current leaders of Lebanon are immersed in corruption, ignorance and ineptitude. May possesses the vision and the determination to lift the country from its despairing political and economic fate. She carries the Rihani name, a symbol of Lebanon’s universal message of tolerance and openness. And she became a worldwide figure (by) championing the cause of women’s rights and educational advancement. More significantly, May is committed to the principles that unite us today: sovereignty, liberty, equality and justice for the Lebanese people, and the restoration of Lebanon’s standing regionally and internationally, as a promoter of peace, moderation and dialogue. May Rihani, as president, will be the pride of every Lebanese, resident or expatriate.

Dr. Joseph Gebeily, Maryland, USA

No one is better for the job, you will represent proudly Al Ightirab and the real movement for Change. I applaud Nawfal’s nomination.

Elias Kassab, Toronto, Canada

من يعرف مي الريحاني ، يؤكد ما تقوله يا نوفل ، أنها تملك مواصفات رئاسة الجمهورية.

نعم ، باستطاعة مي الريحاني أن تعيد مجد لبنان

Carmen Zogheib, Lebanon

You have proven time and again that you have never given up on any community across the world that needed support to move out of desperation and into productivity and dignity, so why not Lebanon!

Ahlam Kais, New York, US

It is great news that May agreed to run for President. Her credentials are unbeatable.  I wish the election was by popular vote. But we will urge our representatives in parliament to vote for her. It is about time that we the Lebanese start thinking seriously of a gender change for the office of President. We must not forget how many women heads of state governed successfully. May, you give us hope.
George Tannous,  Maryland, USA

It is not flattery to say that you are coming with more than ethics, the fact that you are incorruptible will project the Lebanese political sage out of the abyss. You are no stranger neither to politics nor to the Lebanese situation. Close enough to understand and far enough to ponder wisely. You are aware of what it takes for the turnaround, and to quote you: you know that you can make a difference.

Kaissar Jabr, Lebanon

Lebanon our homeland has been through tough times since I remember… And nobody better than May Rihani to stop those times and to bring a shiny new future to Lebanon, the future we all want for our beloved homeland to move forward.

Ramsi Baduy, Mexico

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing”.

Faisal Abu-Ezzedinne, Lebanon

There is no doubt in our minds that you have the vision and capabilities to lead our broken country.

Dr. Mona Maksoud, New York, USA

Taking the road-less-travelled is for the few.  And doing so for the selfless purpose of serving a greater cause, of opening paths, of building a future for those who are still to be born, is heroic.

Congratulations on this important decision.

May, we will be following you closely from afar and are here to help in any way.

Mirella Sader Borges, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Being a woman of dialogue, you will listen to all, the opposition included. However, being also a woman of conviction, with natural leadership, you will never bargain an inch of the 10,450 km of Lebanon’s territory. And thanks to your values, principles, talents and great achievements, you will include competent women as deserving partners, and help men understand not only their capacities but also their infinite devotion and sensibility for the tasks. Although this is not a gender issue, it’s time the Lebanese make room for their women. It would be a dream come true, the rebirth of the Phoenix! … Life and the Lebanese resilience can surprise us! Help us, dear May, embrace a new start and rekindle our hopes.

Fatiha Benmansour Bedran, Lebanon

Is Lebanon that lucky? … I hope and pray that it is. You cannot imagine the feeling here… Like a miracle is about to happen— and I believe in miracles.

First, and beyond your glowing credentials, there is no match for your love and dedication to Lebanon over the years and most recently.

You are someone with a vision, a plan, and the smarts to achieve.

Dr. Suad Wanna, Maryland, USA

What you add to the profile, in a personal and unique way, is a historical first time gender factor and most importantly a real, hands on, understanding of our world today, its challenges, hidden opportunities and paths to solutions that you have acquired through your vocation and remarkable career. I say this as a caring Lebanese, father and immigrant who wishes for Lebanon real and trustworthy change leaders.

Salim Charabati, Portugal

I am so proud of you as an incredible lady who made a difference, and of your commitment to advance education and equality for women around the world……Yes, Lebanon will have a bright future with citizens like you.

Faysal Hasan, Lebanon